NET scores on Par 3's and Par 5's are your Tournament Score Remember to keep your gross score for posting!
GROSS scores on ODD holes on Front (1,3,5,7,9). GROSS scores on EVEN holes on the Back (10,12,16,18) NO SCORE ON #14!
Subtract 50% of your course handicap for your Tournament score. Post your full gross score
ALL players tee off. Select the best drive. Each player now plays her own ball to finish the hole. Each player must use 3 drives. SCORES CANNOT BE POSTED!
2 Red vs 2 White. Count your putts! Ball must be on the green, if your ball rolls off the green, the next stroke does not count as a putt until the ball comes to rest on the green again. All players must hole out. Wear your team colors!
Post your full gross score
Stroke Play - Playing Handicap is 90% of course handicap, max 36
This is a 3 week competition, you must play at least 2 weeks to qualify a score.
Stroke play - Playing Handicap is 90% of course handicap, max 36
Stroke Play - Playing Handicap is 90% of course handicap, max 36
Ties for 1st will play a Sudden Victory starting at the 1st hole. All other ties will be decided by a Match of Cards. POST YOUR SCORE AS COMPETITION!
Team play - BEFORE PLAY, each player choses 3 holes where her NET score will be used. On the 6 ‘unclaimed’ holes EVERYONE PLAYS for best NET score. Post your full gross score.
ALL players tee off. Select the best drive. Each player now plays her own ball to finish the hole. Each player must use 3 drives. SCORES CANNOT BE POSTED!
Individual stroke play - Net scores - Post your full gross score
8 low net winners will move up to play Round 1. This is a multi week commitment, if you cannot play all 3 weeks, the next person in line will move up.
Individual Match Play - 90% course handicap, max handicap is 36 - POST YOUR SCORE AS COMPETITION! 4 match winners will move up to play Round 2
Individual NET SCORE. Throw out the worst 3 holes for your Tournament score.
Remember to keep your full score for posting!
Individual Match Play - 90% course handicap, max handicap is 36 - POST YOUR SCORE AS COMPETITION! 2 Winners will play Final Round to determine 1st and 2nd place
Opponents will play Final Round to determine 3rd and 4th place
Team Net Best Ball (BB)
1st hole = 1 BB. 2nd hole= 2 BB's. 3rd hole= 3 BB's. Repeat for remaining holes.
Keep your own gross score for handicap posting.
Individual points awarded as follows: (Net) Eagle=4 points; Birdie=3 points; Par=2 points; Bogey=1 point, Double Bogey=0 points; Triple Bogey or worse= -1 point.
Post your full gross score
RED vs WHITE TEAMS - 3 formats - The winners of each format earn 2 points for their team!Detailed instructions and scorecards will be provided - SCORES CANNOT BE POSTED
2 PLAYER TEAM - Score the Best Net Ball of the partners. Optional to choose your partner or be paired. Keep your own gross score for handicap posting.
Individual Stroke Play - Low Gross in Flights - Club Champion is OVERALL LOW GROSS
In a tie: CLUB CHAMPION plays a 3 hole play-off starting on 1st hole. If still tied after 3 holes a Sudden Victory starting on the 4th hole. FLIGHT CHAMPIONS play a Sudden Victory starting on 1st hole POST YOUR SCORE AS COMPETITION!
Before teeing off, each player is assigned a color for the round. Player #1 is the captain and will be responsible for holding the chips. After all players have holed out, using a blind draw, the player whose chip is drawn is the team NET score on that hole. Post your full gross score
90% HCP max 40 - 2 Red vs 2 White. Play off low handicap of foursome, stroke your cards.
1PT front, 1PT back, 1PT overall. Wear your Team colors!
Keep your own gross score for handicap posting.
Individual net stroke play. Option to choose your partner(s) or just sign up to play. A $25 donation to HOSPICE HOUSE is requested.
Keep your own gross score for handicap posting.
TEAM NET BEST BALL. Par 5 = 1 BB score; Par 4 = 2 BB scores; Par 3 = 3 BB scores.
Keep your own gross score for handicap posting.
Count your putts. Subtract all your putts from your GROSS score, then subtract 50% of your course handicap (round down) for your tournament score . The ball must be on the green to count as a putt. If you putt the ball off the green onto the apron or rough, the next stroke is NOT A PUTT.
Keep your own gross score for handicap posting.
4 Person Team - no handicap - Each player must use 3 drives
All tee off. Select the best drive (this player will sit out the next shot), 3 players hit the second shot from the location of the best drive. Continue in this manner until the ball is holed.
You may lift, clean & place within one club length of the original position of the ball, no closer to the hole. You may change from one cut to another (i.e. rough to fairway) if it is within one club length. You may NOT use the club length to get out of a penalty area or bunker. If you choose to play from a bunker, the bunker may be raked between shots. On the putting green, the ball is to be placed within 2 inches to the marked ball position. Winners will be announced at the Awards Dinner.